NIME 2024: Call For Jam Sessions

We are happy to announce another joyful addition to our program to entice you into participating in your own preferred mode. Not always do we want to write about our instruments or perform well thought out concerts. Long lived NIMEs do not always fit the requirements for both papers and music submissions since there is not always something fundamentally new to tell or show, but NIMEs and their players/performers do develop nonetheless. We might also like to just play our NIMEs in a musical meeting with other instruments or, even more special, other NIMEs just for the pure enjoyment of it.

In many editions of NIME there have been jam sessions and this NIME won’t be different. We will organize a jam session at the end of one of our concerts in Tivoli Vredenburg. We want to encourage players/performers of existing NIMEs to participate in our jam session which will have the form of a curated improvisation led by Music chair Palle Dahlstedt.

The Jam session will only be open to NIMEs. In principle these will be NIMEs that have been played/published at the conference before, but non NIME conference NIMEs are welcome as well. There should be at least three years of playing experience with the instrument.

In the form linked below you will be asked a number of questions that relate to your instrument, your motivation for participating and when applicable a description of your previous (NIME) work relating to the instrument that you will be playing during the session. We will also ask about your experience with (curated) improvisation.

Conference Topics:

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

Jam session Selection Process:

All submissions will be subjected to a check by the Music Chairs. Criteria are the instrument’s maturity and the performer’s experience (with the instrument or NIMEs in general). In case of many submissions there might be a selection.

Jam session participation is not subject to peer review.

We will give preference to performers/instruments who are not presenting other works at the conference with the exception of the concert the jam session is attached to. We seek to make a selection that promises the most varied musical result.

The deadline to make a submission is July 15, 2024. Submitters will be notified by email of acceptance by July 31, 2024.

Requirements for presentation and inclusion on the NIME 2024 website:

If your submission is accepted, you will need to register for the NIME conference: all presenting authors must purchase a ticket to attend NIME, for work-in-progress presenters this can be a day ticket. Day tickets will become available from August onwards.

Thumbnail submission guidelines
  • Thumbnail: 4x3 aspect ratio. JPG, PNG and SVG. Resolution is at your discretion. Avoid transparency as we don’t know our thumbnail page background color yet.

To submit, please use this form.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)

The deadlines for all submission have passed.
Student Consortium meetup
September 2nd, 2024
Pre-conference workshops
September 2nd and 3rd, 2024
The Conference
September 4th-6th, 2024


General co-chairs:
Paper co-chairs:
Music/installation co-chairs:
Workshop co-chairs:
Spatial co-chairs:
Technical producers: