NIME 2024: Call For Workshops

We welcome proposals for workshops related (but not limited) to NIME research, topics relevant for the NIME community, NIME performance and this year’s theme.

You can make a proposal in which you address the following issues:

  • Workshop Title
  • Speaker List: Include Workshop organizer(s) with short bio(s) up to 200 words including background relating to proposed topic, and affiliation and contact information. Include additional speakers name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information.
  • Workshop Description up to 750 words, clearly describing the topic and nature of the workshop.
  • Short Description (abstract) up to 70 words, for conference program.
  • Preferred length of workshop (half-day, full-day, or number of hours).
  • Description of technical and space requirements (e.g. projector, speakers, computers, soldering equipment, etc.), Please include information on contingencies for in-person, virtual, and blended modes, and whether virtual and blended formats are possible for this Workshop and whether you would need special equipment for these.
  • Optional links to supporting audio, visual, and/or online documentation, e.g. a workshop web page. Any media materials should use an unrestricted streaming service such as Vimeo or Bilibili.
Workshop Review Process:

All workshop submissions will be subjected to a single-blind peer review process by an international committee of experts. All of the submitted workshop proposals will be judged on the relevance for the community also considering the experience and professionalism of the workshop proposers and feasibility. Proposers should also familiarize themselves with the NIME statements on diversity and environmental issues. The review process is as follows:

  1. Each proposal will be assigned to at least 3 reviewers for independent evaluation.
  2. The workshop chairs will make the final decision on workshop acceptance and will inform the author(s) of their decision along with the reviewers’ comments.

It is expected that proposers respect the NIME Ethical guidelines for NIME publications. If you’d like to register as a NIME reviewer (or are unsure if you’re already a reviewer), please register as a reviewer using this form.

Submission Guide:

NIME uses the CHI template for submissions. You can edit it using LaTeX, or as a Word document. Templates for both LaTeX and Word can be found here.
We recommend using a service like Overleaf to edit and complete your submission.

  1. Export and download your Latex document or Word document as a PDF.
  2. If you don’t already have an account for NIME’s conference management system, create one.
  3. Create a submission for NIME 2024 in CMT3.
  4. Include your title, abstract and co-authors, choose the categorisation for your submission, and comply with the NIME ethics requirements. Add your final, PDF.

Note: The deadline to create a submission is February 14, 2024. A PDF is not required at that time.

You will then have until February 21 to upload your paper as a PDF, and complete your submission.

Workshop Review Process:

If your submission is accepted, these are the requirements for being included in the proceedings:

  • NIME registration. All presenting authors, whether presenting in person or online, must purchase a ticket to attend NIME.
    DEADLINE: MAY 7, 2024
  • A camera-ready submission. This is a final PDF version that is correctly formatted and ready for inclusion in the proceedings. Camera-ready workshop proposals should be added in CMT.
    DEADLINE: MAY 7, 2024
  • At NIME. You’ll get more instructions prior to NIME on how to organize your workshop depending on the specifics of your workshop.
Your camera-ready submission will be made publicly available.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)

The deadlines for all submission have passed.
Student Consortium meetup
September 2nd, 2024
Pre-conference workshops
September 2nd and 3rd, 2024
The Conference
September 4th-6th, 2024


General co-chairs:
Paper co-chairs:
Music/installation co-chairs:
Workshop co-chairs:
Spatial co-chairs:
Technical producers: