
See this link for a map of all the locations.

Hotel information

Hotel Service Utrecht has negotiated fixed (non-fluctuating) rates with flexible cancellation policies, fully refundable within the cancellation period.

Click the button below for more information



Utrecht is located in the centre of The Netherlands and is easily accessibile by train from Germany, Belgium, France and the UK.
The national airport, Schiphol, is a half hour train ride from Utrecht.

During your stay a bike is the most convenient way of transportation. You can rent a bike via the button below

Click the button below for more information


Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth Time Zone (UTC - 12)

Student Consortium meetup
September 2nd, 2024
Pre-conference workshops
September 2nd and 3rd, 2024
The Conference
September 4th-6th, 2024