After Lunch Concert
Wednesday 4 September, 14:15 - 15:15 - TivoliVredenburg - Hertz
Chi Wang (Indiana University)


The symbolic abstraction of origin motion of circle and the reflection of evolution can be implemented in numerous forms and timespans and can inspire provocative insights into everyday life. Four custom-made controllers – Yuan are used for the performance. Each controller can be performed individually or together with the other three creating an immersive musical experience.

Pain Creature
Vincenzo Madaghiele (University of Oslo), Arife Dila Demir (Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA))

Pain Creature

Pain Creature is an interactive wearable instrument for improvisational movement and sound-making. The instrument materializes the distinct qualities of the performer's chronic pain through visual-tactile-auditory aspects. In this semi-improvised dance performance Pain Creature embodies the dancer's pain as an unwanted presence a parasite living on her skin that responds to touch with abstract sonic utterances. The piece unfolds as the dancer explores her relationship with the creature accompanied by a texture of evolving electronic sounds generated by a live electronic musician. As the piece progresses the performer explores the choreographic and sonic possibilities of the instrument in a dialogue with the electronic sonic background.

Giacomo Lepri (University of Genoa), Nicola Privato (Iceland University of the Arts)


Stacco is a new NIME embedding magnetic attractors that detect variations in the surrounding magnetic fields. It attracts and repels magnetic spheres displaced by the performer allowing both fine musical control and the emergence of unpredictable interactions out of its interlaced magnetic forces. Stacco has been designed to perform with neural synthesis models where multidimensional sonic spaces can be navigated through the exploration of tangled control parameters. It comes with two graphical scores that function as guides for the exploration of the neural synthesis model. By drawing on the surface of the interface it is also possible to create new scores and layer them on top of each other. We propose a performance titled ”Magnetologues” with two Staccos one operating as a neural audio engine and the other controlling in real-time the sound in space via Ambisonics.

Fello (prelude to the keynote)
Andi Otto

Fello (prelude to the keynote)

Fello is a sensor-extended cello bow designed by Andi Otto. A set of sensors on the frog of the bow measure movement and acceleration, as well as the applied finger pressure, in order to process the amplified cello sound directly in relation to Andi Otto's hand and arm gestures. The Fello mappings draw inspiration from the resonant echoes of dub music, while the melodic scales were developed in collaboration with Indian vocalist MD Pallavi, with whom he regularly performs. Fello was created at STEIM in 2007 with the input of engineers Byungjun Kwon and Marije Baalman.