Virtual acoustics performances
Thursday 5 September, 12:20 - 15:15 - HKU IBB - room 1.41
Monster Voice: Split Tongue
Youngjoo Jennifer Ryu (Korea National University of Arts)

Monster Voice: Split Tongue

Monster Voice: Split Tongue is a live recitation composition of a spoken language dedicated to female pain one that may become a new method of communication for women who hurt. A new sound language based on phonetic symbols designed using SuperCollider is read aloud on the custom-built body-worn Arduino instruments. The pain of a hurting woman is difficult to convey to others. Instead of language the content of pain has been vocalized through whimpers cries screams or silence. Following in the footsteps of generations of women who have attempted to verbalize their pain the language dismantles the existing [consonant+vowel] language system. Instead it incorporates the structure of [sound+vowel] to interpret the writings of women who came before us. At the same time the language is an attempt to vocally communicate the chronic pain of the composer/performer herself who suffers from fibromyalgia. The process of physically translating the new language Monster Voice through the custom-built body-worn instruments revive and give voice to the pain of the composer/performer and the women of previous generations.

Pervade the Space
Vladimir V Vlaev (Artefact Sound Lab)

Pervade the Space

Pervade the Space is a multichannel sound performance which creates an original relationship between the input of the physical gesture of the performer, the derived artistic output and its spatial distribution. It is an exploration of the capabilities of a prototype of musical instrument — the HexApp — a digital processing engine developed to transform the sound of multichannel acoustic input in real-time. This instrumental & live-electronics performance is a solo set in which the performer interacts in a balanced relationship with the computer in the process of decision making providing memorable spatial sonic experience for the listener. It explores unconventional instrumental approaches as well as compositional strategies applied in real-time improvisatory domain. Furthermore, the performance delves into the magnetic properties of the hexaphonic pickup used as a sound source — multichannel input of the real-time processing system. The sound transformations occupy a broad spectrum of musical expressivity ranging from immersive slowly unfolding and evolving textures to emerging sharply articulated grainy sonic entities. HexApp is an instrument which could be described as a hybrid, acoustic - digital, naturally - artificial, traditionally - innovative hybrid of six independently depending on each other, unpredictably predictable constituents of a dynamically - motionless soundscape.

Jean-Philippe Jullin (Université de Montréal), Ariane Levasseur (NA)


Spectra is a transdisciplinary performance exploring latent sound spaces through dance and the perception of human gesture. By tracing the motions of a dancer and using these gestures to navigate through sound corpora this piece evokes the intricate interplay between technology and human experience. Drawing inspiration from technological advancements and their influence on human development particularly the gradual reshaping of cognitive frameworks this audiovisual composition explores the dynamics between humans and algorithmic systems. It probes various relational paradigms within an environment where the distinction between artist and machine becomes increasingly blurred.